Learning The Corona Renderer – Personal Blog Post

I recently finished a course with the State of Art Academy to learn how to use the Corona rendering software, and it has inspired me to create a personal project to test my skills. My goal in this project is to create the separate elements that go into different cocktails and create a layout and composition of them. I may have (read “did”) got ahead of myself and jumped straight into modelling and texturing a rocks glass. In my next steps, I need to do some sketching to make a list of what items I need to create and start composing a rough idea of the final composition.

Aug 2021

Work has been busy so I haven’t had a chance to work on my personal project. I did however get a chance to make a stock list of what I’ll need to create my image and a small sketch of how everything will be laid out in the end. I also took a few reference images of my glass to see exactly how the liquid reflects in the lower part of the glass. This glass currently has Mango juice in it. The end goal is to have it with whiskey digitally.

I have also created my whiskey ice ball! I’m so very excited and pleased with it! Check it out below! I only put the puddle in quickly. I’m not loving how that looks yet.